"Armenian Engineering Week 2021" Forum-Exebition will take place on 21 - 23 October in Yerevan and Vanadzor.
The Armenia Engineering Week is a yearly event that showcases and celebrates the latest achievements of engineering in Armenia.
During the forum, engineers present on their latest projects in such industries as Automotive, Semiconductor Test, Wireless Communication, Biomedical Engineering, Consumer Electronics, Education Technologies and manufacturing. The purpose of the forum is to promote the high-tech engineering and manufacturing in Armenia and to share their story with the wider community.
Technical Programme
Thursday, October 21, Location: Congress Hotel, Yerevan
Keynotes, Industry Panels
- Automotive
- Semiconductor Test
- Biomedical Engineering
- RF & Communication
- Engineering Education
- High-Tech Manufacturing
Friday, October 22, Location: Engineering City, Bagrevand 21/1, Yerevan
Deep Dive Into Applications
Trade Show
Deck Party
Saturday, October 23, Location: Technology Center, Vanadzor
Industry Panels
Rock Concert
For registration and additional information please visit: www.engineeringcity.am
“Armenian Engineering Week 2021” organized by “Engineering Association” and “Enterprise Incubation Foundation, within support of Government of RA, PMI Science, Engineering City, Vanadzor Technological Center, Gyumri Technological Center.