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Research and Innovation happen in well equipped laboratories.


Eric Starkloff visit to ANEL

Armenian National Engineering Laboratories (ANEL) hosts one of the world's engineering giant companies - National Instruments, Executive Vice President, Global Sales and Marketing, Eric Starkloff on November 21.

Mr. Starkloff met students of the State Engineering University of Armenia (SEUA). The meeting was held at very fever atmosphere. Starkloff did presentation about continuously developing new technologies, innovation and creation. He mentioned the primary role of student in engineering development process and critical and creative thinking. Mr. Starkloff answered students’ questions after presentation. The questions were varied: from “What is the best age for students to start working?” or “What is required from Armenian student to work at such prominent engineering companies?” to “How does National Instruments manage the waste and the toxic emission of its factories? Does NI recycle, or just throw it away?” Starkloff was enthusiastic and answered all the questions. At the end of the meeting he said that he sees Armenia as a country with great engineering potential. He added that he was surprised seeing such a strong technically equipped laboratories, students with creative ideas and huge wishes to become engineers, in such a small country.